Google has recently changed the way it ranks web pages on its search lists. They’ve changed their focus to prioritise ‘people-first’ searches over search engines.
For business owners, this news can send a shiver up their spines. For so long, the focus has been SEO. Search engines are everything- the success of your web pages hinges on them. Website copy is therefore often geared towards making sure search engines find and recommend those pages. Finding out that all the work to get your pages as a top search result is about to be obsolete would reasonably cause some to despair. However, when you look a little closer, it’s not so dire as all that.
Don’t worry, SEO is not about to become a dirty word. Most of the best principles still apply- organic repetition of keywords, linking pages… it’s all still going to help your website get seen. This change means that Google is prioritising focused, specific content over general pages that don’t really answer any questions but attempt to capitalise on a perceived trend. In this way, this update will hopefully help even out the playing field for everyone. From our perspective, that also means the content Gecko produce is actually already primed for success with this update.
Our content generation strategy focuses more on long-term growth and relevance than riding the waves of short trends. We keep our material on-topic by focusing on related keywords over popular ones. Making sure websites aren’t a random amalgamation of content is something we excel at.
With this change, Google gives experts more of a chance to be heard over the racket of quick-pick pages that simply want to rank up the clicks without solving any problems.